The Floquet engineering, or controlling material properties and functionalities by time-periodic drives, is one of the forefronts of quantum physics of light-matter interaction [1], but limited to ideal dissipationless systems. For the Floquet engineering extended to a broader class of materials, it is vital to understand the quantum states emerging in a balance of the periodic drive and energy dissipation.
General description for nonequilibrium steady states in periodically driven dissipative quantum systems
Laser technology has developed and accelerated photo-induced nonequilibrium physics from both scientific and engineering viewpoints. The Floquet engineering, i.e., controlling material properties and functionalities by time-periodic drives, is one of the forefronts of quantum physics of light-matter interaction, but limited to ideal dissipationless systems. For the Floquet engineering extended to a variety of materials, it is vital to understand the quantum states emerging in a balance of the periodic drive and energy dissipation.
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